Benefits of Progressive Web Apps (PWA) – Advantages and Disadvantages

July 10, 2023 IN TECHNOLOGY
Table of Content
  1. Definition and Explanation of Progressive Web Apps
  2. Improved User Experience
    1. Faster Loading Time
    2. Offline Accessibility
    3. Push Notifications
  3. Increased Engagement
    1. Increased Conversion Rates
    2. Enhanced Performance
  4. Cross-Platform Compatibility
    1. Cost-Effectiveness
    2. Easy Maintenance and Updates
  5. Disadvantages of Progressive Web Apps
    1. Limited Device Functionality
    2. Dependence on Browser Compatibility
    3. Restricted Access to Device Features
  6. Conclusion


In today's digital world, user experience plays a vital role in the success of any online business or platform. As technology advances, web applications have evolved to offer more seamless experiences to users. One such advancement is Progressive Web Apps (PWA). In this article, we will explore the benefits and advantages of PWAs, as well as the potential drawbacks they may have.

Definition and Explanation of Progressive Web Apps

Progressive Web Apps are web applications that utilize modern web capabilities to deliver an app-like experience to users. PWAs combine the best features of both web and mobile applications, providing an immersive and responsive experience across various devices and platforms. Unlike traditional websites, PWAs can be accessed offline, send push notifications, and provide an overall enhanced user experience.

Benefits of Progressive Web Apps

Improved User Experience

  • Faster Loading Time

One of the key advantages of PWAs is their ability to load quickly, even on slow or unreliable network connections. Traditional websites often suffer from slow loading times, leading to user frustration and abandonment. PWAs utilize techniques like caching and service workers to ensure that users can access content almost instantly, enhancing their overall experience.

  • Offline Accessibility

Unlike traditional websites, PWAs can be accessed offline or in areas with limited or no internet connectivity. This feature is particularly useful for users who frequently travel or find themselves in areas with poor network coverage. Offline accessibility ensures that users can still access content, complete transactions, and engage with the app even without an internet connection.

  • Push Notifications

PWAs have the ability to send push notifications to users, even when they are not actively using the app or website. This functionality allows businesses to reach out to users with timely updates, promotions, or important information. Push notifications help increase user engagement and drive repeat visits, ultimately boosting conversions and customer loyalty.

Increased Engagement

  • Increased Conversion Rates

PWAs provide a seamless and immersive experience for users, resulting in higher engagement and increased conversion rates. By eliminating the need to download and install separate applications, PWAs lower the entry barrier for users, making it more likely for them to explore and engage with the app. This enhanced engagement often translates into higher conversion rates and improved business outcomes.

  • Enhanced Performance

PWAs leverage modern web technologies to deliver a high-performance experience to users. They are optimized for speed and responsiveness, allowing users to navigate through the app quickly and effortlessly. The smooth and fluid user experience encourages users to spend more time interacting with the app, leading to higher engagement and satisfaction.

Cross-Platform Compatibility

  • Cost-Effectiveness

Developing separate applications for different platforms can be costly and time-consuming. PWAs offer a cost-effective solution by providing cross-platform compatibility. With a single codebase, businesses can reach users on various devices and operating systems, including desktops, smartphones, and tablets. This approach significantly reduces development and maintenance costs while ensuring a consistent experience across platforms.

  • Easy Maintenance and Updates

Maintaining and updating separate applications for different platforms can be a complex task. PWAs simplify this process by allowing businesses to make updates and deploy new features seamlessly. Since PWAs are hosted on the web, users receive the latest version of the app automatically, eliminating the need for manual updates. This streamlined maintenance process saves time and resources for businesses.

Disadvantages of Progressive Web Apps

  • Limited Device Functionality

PWAs rely on web browser capabilities, which may limit access to certain device-specific features. While PWAs can access common device features like camera and location, they may not be able to utilize advanced functionalities available to native applications. This limitation may restrict the scope of certain applications that heavily rely on specific hardware features.

  • Dependence on Browser Compatibility

Since PWAs are built using web technologies, their performance and compatibility can be influenced by different web browsers. While modern browsers offer good support for PWAs, older or less popular browsers may have limitations or inconsistencies. Businesses should consider browser compatibility when developing PWAs to ensure a consistent experience for all users.

  • Restricted Access to Device Features

For security reasons, PWAs have limited access to device features compared to native applications. While this is a necessary measure to protect user privacy and prevent malicious activities, it can restrict the functionality of certain applications. Businesses should carefully assess the requirements of their application to determine if a PWA is the most suitable choice.


Progressive Web Apps offer numerous benefits and advantages, such as improved user experience, increased engagement, and cross-platform compatibility. With features like faster loading times, offline accessibility, and push notifications, PWAs provide a seamless and app-like experience to users. However, it's important to consider the potential drawbacks, including limited device functionality and dependence on browser compatibility. By weighing the pros and cons, businesses can make informed decisions about adopting PWAs to enhance their digital presence and engage users effectively.


  • Q.1: What is a major drawback to building apps using the PWA approach?
    Major drawbacks of PWAs: Limited access to native device features and APIs. Potential browser compatibility issues. Slightly slower performance compared to native apps. Challenges with app store distribution and visibility. Dependency on internet connection for full functionality.
  • Q.2: Which of the following is not required in PWA?
    App Store Distribution: Unlike native apps, PWAs do not require distribution through app stores. They can be accessed directly through a web browser without the need for app store listings or approvals. PWAs provide a more accessible and flexible way for users to access the application without going through the traditional app store process. This can be advantageous for developers looking for a simpler distribution method and for users who prefer instant access to the app without having to download it from an app store.
  • Q.3: What is the size limit for Progressive Web App?
    There is no specific size limit for Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) imposed by the underlying web technologies or standards. Unlike native mobile apps, which often have size restrictions imposed by app stores, PWAs do not have a predefined size limit. As a general guideline, aiming for a PWA size below 10MB is considered a good practice. However, the actual size will depend on the specific requirements, functionality, and resources used in the PWA development process. It's important to balance the app's features and performance with the user's data limitations and device capabilities.
  • Q.4: Can PWA work without a browser?
    No, Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) require a web browser to function. PWAs are built using web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and they rely on a browser environment to execute and render their content. PWAs are designed to be accessed through web browsers, allowing users to visit the PWA's URL and interact with the app's features and functionalities. They leverage the capabilities of modern web browsers to provide a more app-like experience, including offline support, push notifications, and access to device features. Without a web browser, a PWA cannot be accessed or run. It is the browser that interprets and renders the PWA's code, allowing users to interact with the app's interface and functionality.
  • Q.5: Are progressive web apps secure?
    Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) can be designed and implemented with security in mind, but their security depends on various factors, including the specific implementation and practices followed during development. Here are some key points regarding the security of PWAs: Use HTTPS for secure communication. Implement strong authentication methods. Employ Content Security Policy (CSP) to mitigate code injection risks. Securely store sensitive data. Benefit from automatic updates for quick patching. Conduct regular security assessments and follow best practices.
  • Q.6: What are the three components of PWA?
    The three key components of a Progressive Web App (PWA) are: Responsive Web Design: PWAs are built with a responsive web design approach, ensuring that the app's layout and user interface adapt and scale seamlessly across different devices and screen sizes. This allows users to have a consistent and optimal experience whether they access the app on a desktop, tablet, or mobile device. Service Workers: Service workers are a critical component of PWAs. They are JavaScript files that run in the background and enable features such as offline functionality, push notifications, and background sync. Service workers allow PWAs to work reliably even when the user's device is offline or has a weak internet connection. App Manifest: The app manifest is a JSON file that contains metadata about the PWA, including its name, description, icons, and other related information. It allows the PWA to be installed and added to the user's home screen, giving it a more app-like experience. The app manifest defines how the PWA appears and behaves when launched as a standalone application. By combining responsive web design, service workers, and the app manifest, PWAs offer enhanced user experiences, offline capabilities, and the ability to be installed and accessed like native apps on mobile devices.